Six Flying Dragons


Photo: Six Flying Dragons official Cover

Six Flying Dragons is a South Korean television series starring Yoo Ah-in, Kim Myung-min, Shin Se-Kyung, Byun Yo-han, Yoon Kyun-sang, and Chun Ho-jin. [It aired on SBS on Mondays and Tuesdays at 22:00 for 50 episodes beginning on October 5, 2015, as part of SBS's 25th-anniversary special. 

This Korean series describes the story of the foundation of the Joseon Dynasty in Korea and the ambitions, success, and conflicts of several real and fictional people, with a focus on the young prince Lee Bang Won.

The following are lessons from Six Flying Dragons

War shouldn’t be determined by the haves because the only ones who die in war are the have-nots.

War can’t be determined by the old, the only ones who die are the young.

No matter what kind of plan you have, share it with people first.

No matter how right you are, you can’t do it alone.

We're human beings with only one life.

Gaining someone in your hand means one of two outcomes. Realize his ambition and make him become my man or grab onto his fright and weakness and make him shiver with fear.

Living means doing something.

You should never compare your strengths with anyone.

Lifetime chances don’t come too many times.

People who study a bit are always slow in their thoughts and actions.

You don’t know whether you’re a chicken or a bird until you try flying.

The difference between goodness and justice is “ goodness means you’ll embrace even evil and accept it but justice means you’ll never accept evil.

Justice means you must get rid of evil.

No one knows about the future.

Selfish people have to steal from beggars to survive.

As long as we are human, we don’t know about the future.

As a mere human being who doesn’t know the future.

The thing that can save you is not justice, it’s power.

Serve goodness it’s not comfortable.

Politics means responsibilities and the moment you’re in politics you can’t be a good man to everyone.

People make plans but successes are up to heaven.

“There is a beginning and an end to a matter” - Art of war

When you put beans in a pan you don’t know where the beans will jump.

Do you know the most important thing for a swordsman to become strong? Is to lower your head and lay low. Why? If things go wrong while you keep your head up high, you’ll die. Death means the end and once you die there is no chance to be strong again.

In all great works, sacrifices follow.

Politicians all think the same way.

You have to take a wide view and look at the forest, not the trees.

Don't torture the present because of the past

To knock down a general aim for his horse first.

There is a separate sword to be used in turbulent times, and there are three types of people in turbulent times (1) a victim of turbulent times (2) a fighter against turbulent times (3) a rider of turbulent times.

Anyone who will be in politics grows a worm in his heart. And if you pay attention to the worm and follow the worm’s words then you’ll become the worm in the end.

The ones who ride the turbulent period will make it worse.

According to the analects “ a sage one should not be afraid of correcting his mistakes”.

Crime and death have no connection, to begin with.

People don’t die because they commit crimes, people don't live just because they don’t commit crimes.

Honor is the most important thing in a man’s life.

A smart snake doesn’t try to swallow a boar, its jaw would tear and its stomach would explode.

If you're looking down on your enemy, you will fail.

Weak and powerful scene.

Since the beginning of time, the weak have always been trampled on by the powerful. A thousand years ago and even a thousand years from now; the weak will be stolen from by the powerful. But the only truth in the world is the powerful wrecks. The powerful plunder the weak.

True human nature.

Mencius once said “If a baby goes towards a well, I’ll save him even if he is not mine” That is true human nature but human beings also push babies into

The well for their benefit.

We need to make sacrifices to achieve our big goal

There is no battlefield without difficulty

For someone who only has a hammer, the world looks full of nails.

A strategist should never stop thinking.

A strategist will die when he stops working his brain.

There is no justice in history

Investable politics comes before the importance of truth.

There is no pretense in life, it has to be real if it happens.

Politics are inevitably based on distrust.

Disappointment meant losing

A strategist must be humble and will exist when it comes to people.

Everyone is a mobster, the only difference is whether it manifests itself or not.

This world is hell for the weak.

History is something that hangs onto what the future generations of people will talk about.

At any moment there is no chance of accepting the people of the future generation, in which history has no meaning.

It’s not that man can be redeemed by leaving this world but that in the world man can only 

redeem himself.

There is always a contradiction at the beginning of something.

The one with no name will not disappear.

The one that didn’t exist from the beginning will exist forever.

If you find the right spot to place the sword, bamboo will split where the blade touches

If you lose strength and get fired it means you’re losing.

Someone said that turbulent times are hell for the weak because during turbulent times, the 

desires of a strong rise without limits.

To fool your enemy, you must fool the people around you, and you must fool yourself. However, when you fool yourself long enough. you can become the person you’ve fooled yourself to be. Keep that in mind.

The ones who have to fight for the future are not just good ones, they could be our beloved ones.

Sword fighting is about killing or being killed

If you want to achieve the big goal don't be ridiculous

Fate is often determined by petty things.

When faithfulness is abandoned there will be no place for the people in your heart.

Fate is indeed very fickle

In history, the essence of politics has never changed. Politics is about taking responsibility.

People’s desires created the path to abundance. 

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