45 Lessons from Moral Stories of Grandma

Photo credit: Getty Images/ Kate_sept2004

As children, we have really enjoyed stories of grandma, especially for me and I remember those moments, we were told on the mat while enjoying wood-burning fire pits, it is an indelible memory. and in the stories that Grandma was telling us there was a moral of the story. It doesn't matter if it's scary, funny, or even sad. But through the moral stories of Grandma, they made us polite, loving, hardworking, and well-behaved in society.

Today I bring you 45 Lessons from the Moral Stories of Grandma that I learned through Grandma's stories

  1. Worthless beauty is not appreciable.
  2. What we don’t get is declared worth less by us.
  3. A big and strong force may not work, but good and gentle behavior can bring wonders.
  4. Always respond to the love and care expressed to you.
  5. Keep away from opportunists.
  6. It’s not wise to have a partnership with Mightier.
  7. As you sow, so shall you reap?
  8. A clever and pleasing answer is liked by all. 
  9. Keep away from lying once known as a liar; you will never be taken seriously.
  10. Never believe a wicked person's promise.
  11. Till your life, keep the hope alive.
  12. The fall from grace cannot be compensated by money.
  13. Everything has its own advantages and disadvantages accept it happily.
  14. Only jump to a conclusion after investigating the matter fully.
  15. The fight over a trivial matter costs the real substance.
  16. Greed has no end. It often leads us to misdeeds and suffering.
  17. Never lose your cool in adversity.
  18. Humility always conquers.
  19. The treasure of life lies in hard work.
  20. Never betray your comparison to save your own skin.
  21. A tricky question has a tricky answer.
  22. Self-dependence brings certainty.
  23. The donated riches can’t give the satisfaction that one achieves with his own efforts.
  24. Never lose your cool in the face of danger.
  25. The material riches can’t provide all the happiness in the life
  26. Imaginary solutions never serve a purpose.
  27. Greediness is the root of all the trouble.
  28. Selfishness has no place in friendship.
  29. Don’t ignore the contribution of others, or else you will lose it in the future.
  30. One should make friends of his own kind.
  31. A cunning person will always be cunning
  32. Careful planning can even restrict a strong enemy.
  33. The winds and waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators.
  34. Look before you leap.
  35. It’s always advisable to accomplish oneself in a chosen domain rather than casually involved in many.
  36. Even the smallest can be of great help.
  37. An evil plan has a cruel end.
  38. One is known by the Company he keeps. Be careful in choosing it
  39. We should be grateful to them who give us even little.
  40. Wisdom needs keen observation.
  41. A clever enemy is better than a foolish friend.
  42. Even the small can be of great help at the hour of need.
  43. Don’t harm others hand don’t allow others to hurt you.
  44. Keep away from selfish friends
  45. Everyone has his own work and importance never feel envious and try to imitate others.

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