Poem: Buried Alive by Princess Munir Al sa’ud.

Photo credit: Getty Images/Tuul & Bruno Morandi

Poem buried alive by Princess Munir Al sa’ud.

I have lived and known what it is to smile 

I have lived the life of a young girl with hopeful promise 

I have lived the life of a young girl who left the warmth of womanhood.

I have lived the feeling of longing for the love of a Goodman

I have lived the life of a woman whose promise was cut short

I have lived the life of one whose dreams were dashed

I have lived knowing tremendous fear for every

I have lived through the fear raised by the spectre of an evil compiling.

I have lived to see the devil in the guise of a man ruling my every action

I have lived as a beggar to this man, pleading with him to leave me alone 

I have lived to witness of my husband have the pleasure of being a man

I have lived to be ravished by the man to whom I was given

I have lived only to endure nightly rapes.

I have lived to buried while still alive

I have lived to wonder why those who claim to love me, helped to bury me

I have lived through all of these things and I am not yet twenty-five years old

 *most humans defend what they have been taught in their childhood. 

Source: Jean Sasson's book 'Princess More Tears to Cry'


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